Jessie Willcox Smith

This drawing was inspired by American artist Jessie Willcox Smith, who illustrated hundreds of books, magazines, posters and advertisements seen by millions of people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was one of the highest paid illustrators of her time, contributing to Collier’s, Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, Scribner’s and McClure’s. An active member of art clubs and organizations that broke boundaries for professional women in society, Smith was also an early member of the prestigious Society of Illustrators.

Fun fact … In researching the artist, I realized that growing up we had an original World War I poster that Jessie Willcox Smith designed for the Red Cross. It still hangs in my parents’ house today. So not only does her legacy endure, but she was clearly an influence on me!


Illustration based on painter: Jessie Willcox Smith (American, 1863-1935). publication date: October 1907. "Seeing" from "The Five Senses" by Charles W. Beck. Illustration.


Maria Sibylla Merian


Laura Gilpin