Anna Ancher

I was recently looking at the work of Anna Ancher, a beloved Danish painter. It reminded me of visiting Copenhagen museums FULL of 19th century maritime paintings (*swoon*) by other Danish artists I’d ALSO never heard of. Happy spending some time looking at this new-to-me painter, as I continue to figure out how to represent light, while also simplifying my style. This sketch is based on one of Ancher’s most well known paintings, The Maid in the Kitchen.

Anna Ancher trained in Copenhagen as well as Skagen, her hometown that’s also an internationally-known art colony. She painted many interiors with careful attention to light. Both her husband Michael and daughter Helga were also esteemed artists. Many of their works can be found in the Skagens Museum, co-founded by Michael Ancher in 1908.


Anna Ancher, The Maid in the Kitchen, oil on canvas, 1883-86, The Hirschsprung Collection.


Ilse Bing


Berenice Abbott