Ilse Bing

Looking at black and white photos helps me think about reducing my color palette further. At some point I may just do drawings in a single hue, but today is not that day!

Ilse Bing (1899-1998) was a photojournalist, fashion photographer and avant garde artist. Her cutting edge work was included in landmark exhibitions in Paris and New York. In the 1920s, she was an early adopter of the revolutionary Leica camera. Her inventiveness led to her being called “Queen of the Leica.” When the Nazis invaded France in 1940, she was sent to an internment camp. The following year, she was able to immigrate to New York, where she continued her successful work as a photographer and poet.


Ilse Bing, Self-Portrait in Mirrors, gelatin-silver print, 1931, The Museum of Modern Art, The Ilse Bing Estate / Courtesy Edwynn Houk Gallery


Rosa Bonheur


Anna Ancher